39 things to do with your family .
2.read a story
3.Go to shanty town
4.Eat fish and chips down bye
5. Go to Hanmner springs
6.Pay hide and go seek
7.Bake a cake
8.Go to the zoo
9.Collect stones from a beach
10.Climb a mountain
11.Go to Disney world
12.Make a snowman
13.Plant a tree
14.Take a picture
15.Take a selfie
16.Go shopping
17.Write all your names on a tree that you grew
18.Go to a pig farm
19.Create a family page on your drive
20.Go to speedway for the day
21.Make a face on a egg and see how long you can keep it without braking the egg
22.Play video games all day
23 Watch TV all day on the sane channel
24.Build a house with Lego
25.Go to the nitro circus show and meet Travis pastrana
26.Sleep all day
27.Make pancakes
28.Play black jack with cards
29.Get all the same gumboots and jump in puddles all day
30.Go for a walk around Punikiki
31.Go for a native bike ride
32.Go to the beach for a swim
33.Go and meet with your family and go out for lunch ,breakfast or maybe lunch
34. Go to the movies
36.Make a family video
37.Do a style dance as a family
38.Go horse riding
39.Do crafts in arts
So there you go there are 39 tips on what to do with your family .
hope you enjoyed it
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